Housing Options Scotland

Housing Options Scotland Enquiry

Your Details
Your Current House
Your Need to Move
Your Income
Home Energy Scotland


If you have a disability


if you are 55 or over


you are a member of the armed forces community

we recognise the unique challenges you may face in finding a suitable home. We are here to help you find the right home, in the right place.

In this form, we ask for information to help us see which housing options are open to you. We understand that it can be difficult or upsetting to describe your housing situation, so only provide the details you are comfortable with sharing.

The form will not time out, so you can complete it at your own pace. Just make sure to keep the browser tab open. If you are struggling to complete the form, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.

You will be contacted within six weeks by one of our expert Housing Options Brokers. They will be able to give you information and expert advice that is tailored to you.

We keep your data safe, secure and confidential. We only use it to explore your housing options and will only share it if we have your permission.

Please confirm that you give consent for Housing Options Scotland to hold your data for the purpose of providing you with advice in response to your enquiry.

For further information, please click here to read our privacy policy.

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Your Details

* Required fields

Are you filling in this form for someone else? *

If you consider yourself to have a disability is it:

What is your gender?

What are your pronouns?

This helps us understand the best way to address you and refer to you. For example, choose "She/her" if you would like us to say "She is looking for advice on her housing options".

Are there any concerns about your / their legal capacity? *

Are you, or a member of your household, in the armed forces or a veteran? *

Your Current House

* Required fields

Are you looking at living independently for the first time?

Are you currently homeless or threatened with homelessness? *

Would you like to stay in your home if it could be adapted? *

Your Need To Move

* Required fields

Would someone be living with you? *

Do you have any pets? *

Have you registered your housing needs with the Council? *

Have you registered your housing needs with any Housing Associations or Co-operatives? *

Your Income

What is your household's income from benefits?

Giving details of your income helps us to see which housing options are open to you.

Do you have an employment income?

Do you have a benefit income?

Do you have any other kind of income?

Do you have any savings?

Do you have any debts? (Credit cards, loans, rent or mortgage arrears etc.)

Are any of your debts secured against your property?

Have you ever been bankrupt?

Could family or friends contribute financially to help you buy a home?

Would a family member or friend consider buying a property to let to you if you could repay them with Housing Benefit?

Home Energy Scotland

* Required fields

Home Energy Scotland is a Scottish Government programme run by the Energy Saving Trust.

They offer free impartial advice on making your home warmer and cheaper to heat.

Do you find your home hard to heat? *

Do you worry about fuel bills? *

Client Agreement

This agreement sets out what you can expect from Housing Options Scotland as an organisation, and what we expect from you as our client.

Our promise to you

1. Your Housing Options Broker will work with you one-to-one to explore advice and information on your housing options that will be tailored to you.

2. We will be respectful to you and will work to understand and accommodate your individual needs and circumstances.

3. We will always be open and honest with you about your housing prospects. We can only work within the options that are available to you.

Your promise to us

1. I will work with my Housing Options Broker to explore my housing options, keeping in touch with you throughout the time I require support.

2. I will be respectful to you and communicate any needs I have that will allow us to work well together.

3. I will provide up to date, accurate and relevant information about my housing situation and let you know if anything changes.

Your application has been successfully submitted

Thank you for you enquiry...

An advisor will be in touch within the next six weeks.

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